Mina Keikhaie
Elham Rahmati (b. 1989, Tehran) is a visual artist and curator based in Helsinki. She is the co-founder and co-editor of NO NIIN, an independent online monthly magazine at the cusp of art, criticality, and love. In 2019 and 2020, she worked as the curator and producer of the Academy of Moving People & Images (AMPI), a film school in Helsinki for mobile people—those who have arrived in Finland for different reasons, be they immigrants, asylum seekers, students, or employees. AMPI’s aim was to provide a free learning platform where people from different backgrounds acquire tools and methods with which they can tell the stories they find important. Prior to that, she worked as a curator and coordinator at Third Space, an artist-run gallery emerging as a response to the lack of inclusivity and diversity in the art scene in Finland. Currently, Elham is teaching the course ‘Thinking With/From the Global South’s Women Filmmakers’ at University-Wide Art Studies (UWAS) at Aalto University.
Elham Rahmati (s. 1989, Teheran) on Helsingissä asuva visuaalinen taiteilija ja kuraattori. Hän on yksi NO NIIN -lehden perustajista ja päätoimittajista. Vuonna 2019 ja 2020 hän toimi Academy of Moving People & Images -alustan kuraattorina ja tuottajana. AMPI:n tavoitteena oli luoda ilmainen oppimisalusta, jossa eritaustaiset ihmiset saavat käsiinsä juuri ne työkalut ja metodit, joita he tarvitsevat kertoakseen tärkeäksi kokemiaan tarinoita. Tätä ennen Elham toimi Third Space -gallerian kuraattorina ja koordinaattorina. Nykyään Elham opettaa Thinking With/From the Global South’s Women Filmmakers -kurssia Aalto-yliopistossa.